Friday, July 4, 2008

June in Review

Where has the time gone? I have been so busy lately! The month of June was packed with fun and lots of memories for me.
The first week of June, we had Bible school at church. It was wonderful! I think I enjoyed it as much as the children! And I think Pastor Tony enjoyed it a little too much??
Eddie and I spent our 28th anniversary at Frogmore (aka St. Helena's Island, SC) fishing, eating, and just enjoying each other's company. It was absolutely wonderful--although we didn't catch much of anything except sharks. It must have been spawning season, because they were everywhere! I did catch one Spotted Sea Trout.

We went to the lake fishing a few times--caught a good many bream for the freezer. It won't be long before we can have a fish fry!

Last weekend, to top off the month, Emily and I went to Atlanta for Deeper Still. Amazing! I was just overwhelmed with the messages I received--I am still processing them! I will post more on this later.

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