Do you have some you can call in the middle of the night—someone who is not family but a close enough friend that she is considered family? That is the question that was posed to our Bible study group last night. It didn’t take me but a moment to answer that question.
On February 4, 2006—a Saturday night and Eddie had just returned home from a men’s retreat in Woodstock, Georgia. He was running late getting home because one of the men had car trouble and they had to turn around to help them. Since he was late, we had just finished supper and I had saved him a plate. While he was eating and telling me about his weekend, the phone rang. It was my mama telling me that my brother had been air-lifted to Spartanburg Regional Hospital—they weren’t sure if he had carbon monoxide poisoning (he was working on his race car) or a stroke, but mama was upset when she told me that they weren’t sure he was going to make it. So we jump in the car—I drive because Eddie had been driving all afternoon. When we get to the hospital, we were told to go into the family room right off the emergency room. The doctor came in and told us that Rick was brain-dead and that he would die in the next few hours. Well, after consoling Mama and Tammy (Rick’s wife), Amanda (his daughter) and Justin (his son), I went back to see him—I was not prepared! It was his body, but he wasn’t there—the only thing sustaining his life were the machines that forced air into his lungs. Gone was the talkative, never meets a stranger brother that I have always known and loved.
I called my Aunt Cookie and told her then I called my other brother Jerry and told him—I had been trying to call him (as had Mama before I got there) but his cell phone has no reception at his house and he was on the internet (he only has dial-up).
Then, I called my friend Kristy. I told her what was going on and asked her to pray and to call Emily (another friend). A little while later, Kristy called to tell me that she and Emily were on their way to the hospital. When they got there, it was late—probably around 11 or so. They stopped on the way and picked up a Diet Coke for me (they know me so well) and Emily came prepared with Fig Newtons in her purse. They stayed with me until around 3 or 4 a.m. and I was so thankful for them being there. It was such a sacrifice on their part—Emily had a 2 month old at home and she was on a—how shall I say it—schedule for feedings. Kristy had her family at home all snuggled in bed—I know how much she loves her sleep! But for them to be there for me at that difficult time means more to me than they will ever know.
Every time I see or think of a Fig Newton, I think of my dearest friends, Kristy and Emily. I love you both and I thank God for your friendship! 
Left to right--Kristy, Leigh Anne, me, Emily--taken April 2007.
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