Sunday, March 9, 2008

My Hero!

I have known my hero in my heart all of my life. I have known that he would first and foremost love Jesus with all of his heart, mind, and strength. I have known that he would be the best husband, daddy and friend that a person could ask for. I have also known that he would love me unconditionally and that would be a tall order! You see, there are lots of times that I am not totally lovable—I know that is surprising (especially to those that know me so well:) ). Most days find me more concerned about myself than his needs or wants. Bless his heart, when the children were young, he did get pushed aside many a day because my energy was focused on them. There are times that I wish I could go back and do some of those days over, but for the most part, I am happy with the way our life has turned out. You see, after almost 28 years of marriage, I love him more than I ever have! He is the most considerate and loving husband—I couldn’t have asked for better! God truly has blessed me with this man.

There are some things that he has done over 28 years of marriage that merit praise:

1. I knew the day I met him that I would marry him-- he was such a gentleman.

2. When I was pregnant, he shaved my legs for me.

3. When we had babies, he was right there beside me (back then, they still had “Father’s Waiting Rooms”!)

4. He changed as many diapers as I did.

5. I didn’t work outside the home so I got up with them during the week, but he got up with them on the weekends so that I could sleep.

6. He helps with the cleaning.

7. He is a terrific nurse when I am sick.

8. He does all of the yardwork(a lot of yard!)

9. If I ever want anything, he gets it for me if he can. ex. I wanted a sewing room, so he built a corner of the garage in for me.

10. He never complains about what I cook.

11. He loves to take me fishing.

12. He tolerates all my craft projects.

13. He supports anything that I undertake.

14. He knows when something is bothering me and will try to fix it if he can.

15. He loves our children.

16. He loves me!

17. He is my best friend!

Thank You, Lord for seeing fit to gift me with a help-meet that is just a perfect fit for me. He is my hero!

I may have only known him in reality for 28+ years, but I have known exactly what the man that I married would be like for all of my life. It was my heart’s desire to have a marriage like the one I have and I am truly thankful!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Love.