The first week of June, we had Bible school at church. It was wonderful! I think I enjoyed it as much as the children! And I think Pastor Tony enjoyed it a little too much??
Eddie and I spent our 28th anniversary at Frogmore (aka St. Helena's Island, SC) fishing, eating, and just enjoying each other's company. It was absolutely wonderful--although we didn't catch much of anything except sharks. It must have been spawning season, because they were everywhere! 

I did catch one Spotted Sea Trout.
We went to the lake fishing a few times--caught a good many bream for the freezer. It won't be long before we can have a fish fry!Last weekend, to top off the month, Emily and I went to Atlanta for Deeper Still. Amazing! I was just overwhelmed with the messages I received--I am still processing them! I will post more on this later.
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