And Sarah Katherine (aka Sissy)
Each day is a new beginning....a do-over!
Back when I was a little girl, one of the things that terrified me most was the sound of an ambulance siren. One of the privileges of staying with my granny was that I got to carry Papa’s lunch or dinner to him at his store. I would carry his meal on a round tray—I can remember being so careful not to spill his coffee or to let his plate slip on that tray. It wasn’t far to his store—just next door, but I had to walk down the steps, then out the gate and across the parking lot to his store. They lived on the highway—back then, it was in the middle of the country—that is now called the ‘famous’ Woodruff Road. I can remember being on my way back to the house with Papa’s empty dishes on the tray and in the distance I could here the faint sounds of a siren coming up the highway. As it got closer and closer, I tried to move faster and faster—I can still hear those dishes rattle as I was trying to get inside before that ambulance got there. As I barely got inside the door, I breathed a sigh of relief as I looked out the window to see the vehicle from a safe vantage point. I don’t know what it was about that sound—it wasn’t like the sounds that ambulances make now—it was more long and drawn out—a real mournful sound. And the ambulances certainly don’t look like they did then—they were black and white station wagons with a red light on top—think Andy Griffin-ish.
I have always wondered why I would be afraid of something that may have the ability to save my life.
In Exodus 19 and 20, God had spoken to Moses and told him to tell the people to cleanse and consecrate themselves because the Lord was going to come to them on the third day. Well, on the third day when the people heard the thunder and saw the lightning on Mt. Sinai , they were afraid and told Moses that they didn’t want hear from God themselves, but wanted Moses to bring them the Word. The Israelites were afraid of the very One who could save them, the only One who could deliver them—and because of their fear, they received the message from Moses instead directly from the Lord.
At Deeper Still, Atlanta; Priscilla spoke on this scripture—along with several other verses—and I was really convicted that I rely on others to bring me the Word instead of digging and searching for it myself and letting God speak directly to me. It has been over 2 weeks since that Friday night, but that message is still fresh in my mind. I honestly believe that was the Word that the Lord had for me that weekend.
To be honest, it makes me afraid—afraid that I won’t be able to study the Word as well as Beth Moore could teach me, as thoroughly as Kay Arthur could teach, or as well as Priscilla Shirer could teach me. How can I dig for the nuggets? It is just overwhelming! There is so much in God’s word that I don’t know—I just pray that He would reveal what He wants me to learn. I really don't want to watch from a safe vantage point like I did with that ambulance--I want to be right in the center of where God wants me to be--even if it means being afraid--because I know that He will protect me. I also know that what He has to say to me will mean a whole lot more if I hear it for myself.
I remember the very first time that I actually worshiped my Heavenly Father—my friend and co-worker, Libby, had told me about a musical that her church, Chestnut Ridge was doing. She talked about how the music was just so worshipful and that she had a demo cassette tape that she had been listening to and offered to let me borrow the tape. I remember that Eddie was working second shift and my children were little. I had put them to bed and put the tape on to play while I cleaned my kitchen. As soon as I started listening, I was brought before the Throne of Grace. I had never experienced such worship! I had tears in my eyes as I was overcome with such love—I wanted to stay in that moment forever. I think that was my very first taste of the kind of worship that I knew I was made for—the kind of worship that is uninhibited and allows for God to be truly praised.
At that time, I was a member of a very ritualistic denomination—a very loving congregation but missing that element of worship. Well, I set out to change the way we worshiped. I asked for more contemporary music, more in depth prayer groups, more intimate conversations in Sunday School—any kind of program that I thought would bring our little church to it’s knees, I wanted to try. After a while, Eddie got on the bandwagon too—we were on fire for the Lord, but our denomination kept extinguishing the flames or at least they tried. There were some issues in our church that we did not agree with and we sought to get them changed. By this time our children were teenagers and their Sunday School teacher was living a sinful lifestyle—but our church seemed to turn a blind eye where that was concerned. Eddie confronted that person and told him that he was living in sin and needed to repent—he told Eddie that he was sorry he felt the way he did but offered no remorse. Eddie then approached the pastor and several members but was told that it was not our place to judge him and we should just love him and accept him as he was—we did love him, but not his sin. After a while, we decided that the only people that were going to change were us—that is when we decided to change churches. It was not a decision that we made lightly—this was the church that Eddie had been raised in and the church that we married in, our children were raised there—we had many good memories associated with that church. We prayed and asked God to reveal His plan for us—to lead us to a place where we could grow and worship Him. I remember that we talked with an older lady in our church one night—we told her of our conviction that we needed to change churches but that we were torn because of the ties we had with that church. I will never forget what she told us—she said, “Eddie, this will hurt your mama badly, but she will get over it. You have to do what is right for you and your family.” I really appreciated her telling us that—she died shortly after we moved but I will always have that memory of her.
The first church I wanted to visit was Chestnut Ridge, of course. I longed for that worship and praise that I had experienced on that tape. Well, we ended up only visiting one other church and deciding that Chestnut Ridge was where we belonged. I am so glad that God was with us and directed us to this place. We have grown so much spiritually, praised God like I never imagined and made some amazing friends. Thank you Jesus for being our Strength and our Refuge—for being ever present—always with us.