I have always wondered why the day that our Lord died upon the cross was called Good Friday. It always seemed to be an oxymoron of sorts to me--how could something so horrific be titled good? Well, the thing that I didn't realize, until I grew in my faith, is that even though Christ suffered greatly upon that cross, His death was not in vain. It was necessary--a part of God's plan to bring us into fellowship with Him. If not for His death and resurrection, we would be separated from God. Jesus became the bridge between us and God--Praise God we don't have to go through a priest to seek the face of God--we only have to call His name--He is always with me!
Another thing that I am reminded of every year on Good Friday is that is on that day in 1989 that we buried Ronald (my baby brother). He died on March 22, 1989 in a car accident. It seems so long ago now. I sometimes wonder what he would be like if he were still alive. He would be almost 41 years old now--it's hard to imagine him being that old. In my mind, he is still a kid!

He was such a sweet fellow--he was my baby brother. I kind of felt like a mama to him even though I was only 7 years older than him. He was the type of person that would do anything for you--he had a learning disability and was taken advantage of a lot of times. We would con him into just about anything--that was so mean of us, but he took everything in stride. It used to make me so mad when Rick and Jerry would call him 'Wormy' because he was so thin--after a while they just shortened it to 'Worm'. I didn't like it then and I don't like it now--but I think that he liked having a nickname--it made him feel like he belonged. He was so proud of Tonya, his baby girl--she was only 19 months old when he died and I am sad to say that I have no idea where she is today. Her mother made a lot of bad choices after Ronald died.
Well, the laundry is beckoning...hopefully it won't be so long between posts next time!
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