Monday, March 31, 2008
March in Review
On March 21, we went to see Casting Crowns--what an awesome concert! I took a few pictures, but they turned out to be too dark and blurred. I just love the messages that their songs bring--they are so real--no sugar-coating it in any of their songs! The songs that Mark Hall writes are so relevant to my life--I think that is what makes them so popular--people are tired of pretending.
Before the concert, we met some friends from church for supper. They were so excited because they had back-stage passes before the concert. I would have been excited too!
Last Saturday, Eddie and I took the boat out for the first time this year. We went to Lake Greenwood--it was real windy but the temperature was around 80 degrees. It was a beautiful day but apparently the fish did not agree! We did not get the first bite but we enjoyed each other's company. We stopped by to see if Martha Anne and Jake were at the cabin and they were so we sat and talked to them for about an hour. It is so good to spend time with them--I just love both of them so much!
Sunday was Easter--the day that we celebrate the risen Savior--Hallelujah! This is Leigh Anne on Easter morning--isn't she beautiful?
We had to be at church at 7:30 a.m. because we had to sing in both services. There were a lot of people there that we only see once or twice a year. I hope that the message spoke to them--Tony preached a great message.
The week was very busy at work and I spent every night working on a Scrapbook for a coworker that is retiring. I gave it to her Thursday night--it seemed to be a great hit!
Friday night started the Extraordinary Women's Conference in Greenville. We had lots of fun Friday night--Chondra Pierce was the main speaker--she is a hoot! We had a Mandissa concert as well as a Ritchie McDonald (Lonestar) mini-concert. Saturday morning, Lisa Whechel spoke then Carol Kent, Thelma Wells, and Angela Thomas. All of these ladies were awesome speakers and had such wonderful (tear-jerking)messages! Also on Saturday, Mark Schultz was there for a concert and Charles Billingsley led the worship all weekend. It was a great conference.
I am glad that I took the day off today because I needed a day to recuperate as well as get my house cleaned!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Good Friday?
Another thing that I am reminded of every year on Good Friday is that is on that day in 1989 that we buried Ronald (my baby brother). He died on March 22, 1989 in a car accident. It seems so long ago now. I sometimes wonder what he would be like if he were still alive. He would be almost 41 years old now--it's hard to imagine him being that old. In my mind, he is still a kid!
He was such a sweet fellow--he was my baby brother. I kind of felt like a mama to him even though I was only 7 years older than him. He was the type of person that would do anything for you--he had a learning disability and was taken advantage of a lot of times. We would con him into just about anything--that was so mean of us, but he took everything in stride. It used to make me so mad when Rick and Jerry would call him 'Wormy' because he was so thin--after a while they just shortened it to 'Worm'. I didn't like it then and I don't like it now--but I think that he liked having a nickname--it made him feel like he belonged. He was so proud of Tonya, his baby girl--she was only 19 months old when he died and I am sad to say that I have no idea where she is today. Her mother made a lot of bad choices after Ronald died.
Well, the laundry is beckoning...hopefully it won't be so long between posts next time!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Giving God the Glory!
"I am the Lord; that is My Name! I will not give My glory to another or My praise to idols...Let them give glory to the Lord and proclaim His praise...!" Is. 42:8,12
I saw this scripture on Beth Moore’s blog and I was convicted. There are so many times when it is evident that God has done a work in my life and I don’t give Him the glory He is due. Why do I struggle with this? I should be shouting from the rooftops, “Look at what my God has done for me!”. I should be giving Him all the praise that He deserves just for being who He is. He is LORD! He is my provider, my sustainer, my redeemer, my resurrection, my strength, my healer, my sin bearer, my counselor, my creator, my rock, my deliverer and so much more. Oh, how I love Him!
The Lord has brought me out of a slimy pit and set my feet on the rock—I am no longer standing on shifting sand, but the never-changing Word of the Most High. Praise God!! There are so many things that He has brought me through—and I am so thankful that He has allowed me the opportunity to experience the life that I have lived. Whew! I never thought that I would say that. I remember one Sunday when Rhett preached, the sermon was on the sovereignty of God and how He allows everything to happen. I asked Rhett, “Well, what about when bad things happen to children?” I don’t remember his exact words, but it was something to the effect that God is able to bring good from anything bad. Since that time, one of my favorite passages in the Bible is Isaiah 61:3 “…to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor.” I truly think that God has given me beauty from ashes. The scars that I have inside are a reminder that if not for the grace of God, I would still be in the pit. There is no telling where I would be if not for His grace and mercy. You see, I was heading down a path of self-destruction, trying to fill a God-sized hole in my life with worldly stuff—some of it bad, bad stuff. He has truly given me a testimony and I should be shouting it from the rooftop! Thank you, Lord Jesus, for all that You have done in my life and all that You are going to do—I can’t wait to see what’s next!!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Fishing Buddies
My Hero!
I have known my hero in my heart all of my life. I have known that he would first and foremost love Jesus with all of his heart, mind, and strength. I have known that he would be the best husband, daddy and friend that a person could ask for. I have also known that he would love me unconditionally and that would be a tall order! You see, there are lots of times that I am not totally lovable—I know that is surprising (especially to those that know me so well:) ). Most days find me more concerned about myself than his needs or wants. Bless his heart, when the children were young, he did get pushed aside many a day because my energy was focused on them. There are times that I wish I could go back and do some of those days over, but for the most part, I am happy with the way our life has turned out. You see, after almost 28 years of marriage, I love him more than I ever have! He is the most considerate and loving husband—I couldn’t have asked for better! God truly has blessed me with this man.
There are some things that he has done over 28 years of marriage that merit praise:
1. I knew the day I met him that I would marry him-- he was such a gentleman.
2. When I was pregnant, he shaved my legs for me.
3. When we had babies, he was right there beside me (back then, they still had “Father’s Waiting Rooms”!)
4. He changed as many diapers as I did.
5. I didn’t work outside the home so I got up with them during the week, but he got up with them on the weekends so that I could sleep.
6. He helps with the cleaning.
7. He is a terrific nurse when I am sick.
8. He does all of the yardwork(a lot of yard!)
9. If I ever want anything, he gets it for me if he can. ex. I wanted a sewing room, so he built a corner of the garage in for me.
10. He never complains about what I cook.
11. He loves to take me fishing.
12. He tolerates all my craft projects.
13. He supports anything that I undertake.
14. He knows when something is bothering me and will try to fix it if he can.
15. He loves our children.
16. He loves me!
17. He is my best friend!
Thank You, Lord for seeing fit to gift me with a help-meet that is just a perfect fit for me. He is my hero!
I may have only known him in reality for 28+ years, but I have known exactly what the man that I married would be like for all of my life. It was my heart’s desire to have a marriage like the one I have and I am truly thankful!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Busting Loose!
There are times when I feel as though I am just going to bust out of my skin if I don’t get to let some creativity escape! Today is one of those days—I have so many things on my mind—from cleaning up/reorganizing my sewing room (which I started last Saturday) to scrapbooking ideas to Bible study ideas to ideas for various craft ideas to working on the budget some more. As you can see, my mind is all scattered and I am getting nothing accomplished because I am unable to channel this creative energy into physical energy! It doesn’t help that I had to work today either. Of course, I need to work on Saturdays more often because I can get so much done there while it is quiet.
This morning’s devotion was about the men that encountered Jesus on the
The Lord has been so good to me! I know that I take it for granted a lot of times, but I really should remember the depths from which He rescued me! He has given me the promise of eternal life with Him, a man that loves me, good health, a loving family and friends, and so many more things. I hope that I never forget that He has carried me through a lot of yucky things, but He brought me through them. There are a lot of things that I wish I could forget, but I know that He had a reason for allowing me to go through them. One day, I will know exactly why. I look around me and I see so many that were given so many more opportunities but don’t appreciate them. I hope to one day say that I thank God for every trial that I have gone through—I am not there yet, though.
Leigh Anne has been gone all week house-sitting for a friend .Yesterday she went to
I can’t believe that today is the first day of March! I am so ready for Spring but then again, I have NOTHING to wear when it gets warmer. I guess I will have to pay a visit to Ross soon! That is where I have been buying most of my clothes as I have been losing weight so that I don’t have to pay as much for nice things. I am not sure I will ever be able to shop at full price department stores again! I love getting a bargain.
This afternoon, I will be working in my sewing room. I may even post a before and after picture (if I get brave enough). I want to have all my scrapbook items in the new cabinet that I got last week. I think that there will be plenty of room for everything but I have to get it all organized. I would like to be able to have more time to spend doing fun things, but cooking, cleaning and washing clothes have to take priority!