On March 21, we went to see Casting Crowns--what an awesome concert! I took a few pictures, but they turned out to be too dark and blurred. I just love the messages that their songs bring--they are so real--no sugar-coating it in any of their songs! The songs that Mark Hall writes are so relevant to my life--I think that is what makes them so popular--people are tired of pretending.
Before the concert, we met some friends from church for supper. They were so excited because they had back-stage passes before the concert. I would have been excited too!
Last Saturday, Eddie and I took the boat out for the first time this year. We went to Lake Greenwood--it was real windy but the temperature was around 80 degrees. It was a beautiful day but apparently the fish did not agree! We did not get the first bite but we enjoyed each other's company. We stopped by to see if Martha Anne and Jake were at the cabin and they were so we sat and talked to them for about an hour. It is so good to spend time with them--I just love both of them so much!
Sunday was Easter--the day that we celebrate the risen Savior--Hallelujah!
We had to be at church at 7:30 a.m. because we had to sing in both services. There were a lot of people there that we only see once or twice a year. I hope that the message spoke to them--Tony preached a great message.
The week was very busy at work and I spent every night working on a Scrapbook for a coworker that is retiring. I gave it to her Thursday night--it seemed to be a great hit!
Friday night started the Extraordinary Women's Conference in Greenville. We had lots of fun Friday night--Chondra Pierce was the main speaker--she is a hoot! We had a Mandissa concert as well as a Ritchie McDonald (Lonestar) mini-concert. Saturday morning, Lisa Whechel spoke then Carol Kent, Thelma Wells, and Angela Thomas. All of these ladies were awesome speakers and had such wonderful (tear-jerking)messages! Also on Saturday, Mark Schultz was there for a concert and Charles Billingsley led the worship all weekend. It was a great conference.
I am glad that I took the day off today because I needed a day to recuperate as well as get my house cleaned!