Where has the time gone? A lot of things have changed since I last posted....the main one being me! I have lost almost 100 pounds now! I still can't believe it myself! I don't have any great pictures, but maybe you can tell from this one.
I have decided to change the focus of this blog from weight loss to my spiritual journey. I have been touched by so many different blogs, that I was inspired to come back and try this again with a new and better focus.
I am currently in the middle of '90 Days with the One and Only' by Beth Moore and I can only say "WOW!" I am falling head over heels in love with Jesus! I am learning so much more about Him. I am so glad that I started it when I did...it was the first of December and it just tied right into the season. I have a totally new outlook of how Mary might have felt. Sometimes, I forget that she was just a young girl who did not know the end of the story. I think that it's easy to say that we believe something when we know what the result will be, but how much more faith does it require when you don't know?
I hope that 2008 will be a time of change for me.....to become more like Him.
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