Sunday, January 20, 2008
Financial Peace
Well, today we start Financial Peace University at church. It is one of those things that I know we need to do and I have been wanting to do, but when it comes down to it, I am scared! It's kind of like a diet---it's fun to talk about and plan but when it come down to actually doing it, it's a different story! Also, another way it's like a diet is that I have been wanting to go splurge while I can before I have to change my ways. In the 27 1/2 years that we've been married, I have always been in control of our finances. I have always paid our bills on time and have never missed one, but when it comes time to talk to Eddie about them, it really bothers me. This is the way I think; he thinks that I don't so a good enough job and we should have plenty saved....and I get defensive. This is honestly the only area of our marriage that we struggle with, so that is why we signed up to take this class. Hopefully, it will open the lines of communication so that we will both be on the same page.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Snow Day?
I just love winter weather! Living in the south, we don't get a lot of snow but when we do, it is so exciting! If you go to the grocery store, you will find everyone buying milk and I have always wondered why milk & bread? Bread pudding maybe? Milk sandwiches? Even though I don't eat bread and I don't drink milk, it is hard for me not to run to the store and stock up just because everyone else is doing that. Today the forecast is for rain changing to snow with accumulations around 3 inches. Now, that means no driving....southerners can't drive in the snow:) The ladies will have their husbands drive them if they must get out. Don't you just love the chivalry? We have to make sure that our men know that we need them to take care of us! Sometimes I like playing the "damsel in distress" --- it makes me feel special when my man takes care of me. A feminist, I am not! But other times, my independent side kicks in and I want to show him that I am capable of taking care of myself. That little attitude usually backfires on me though....the next time I want him to do something for me, he will remind me that I have done it for myself before. That is what happens when I don't ask God for His help also. When I try to do things on my own, I usually mess them up. I stick my foot in my mouth or tear someone down with my words or my actions. It is hard to remember that the Spirit is living within me and that all I have to do is to call upon Him for strength, wisdom, mercy, or whatever the situation calls for. The thing with God is that, unlike us humans with our weaknesses and sinful nature, He doesn't remind us that we messed up before...He removes our transgressions as far as the east is from the west--Praise God!! His mercy is new every morning!
I am just loving "90 Days with the One and Only" by Beth Moore (my favorite siesta!) Each day is as though it was written just for me. Today was about the disciples inability to cast out demons, how when Jesus, Peter, John, and James were gone to the mountain and the disciples were left alone, they forgot the power that Jesus had given them. (Mark 9:14-18) It was like they had to have reinforcements there to be able to function. That reminded me of how much I ride the coattails of others that I have deemed more spiritual than me. It reminded me that in my weakness, He is strong. I know that I need to rely on Him and not myself, but my little independent side wants to be in control! Imagine that!!
I am going to enjoy this wonderful Saturday staying home and waiting and watching for the snow!
I am just loving "90 Days with the One and Only" by Beth Moore (my favorite siesta!) Each day is as though it was written just for me. Today was about the disciples inability to cast out demons, how when Jesus, Peter, John, and James were gone to the mountain and the disciples were left alone, they forgot the power that Jesus had given them. (Mark 9:14-18) It was like they had to have reinforcements there to be able to function. That reminded me of how much I ride the coattails of others that I have deemed more spiritual than me. It reminded me that in my weakness, He is strong. I know that I need to rely on Him and not myself, but my little independent side wants to be in control! Imagine that!!
I am going to enjoy this wonderful Saturday staying home and waiting and watching for the snow!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Such a Sweet Sunday
Sunday is such a busy day for me as I'm sure it is for most people. It's rush, rush, rush to get to church on time, then where to go for lunch, come home to have time to change clothes, maybe a quick nap, then back to church for my small group time. By the time I get home, it dawns on me that my weekend is over and I have to go back to work tomorrow!
In the past, Sundays were always depressing to me, especially Sunday afternoons. Let me explain! On Friday afternoons, I was so ready for the weekend, I was going to accomplish so much in the two days that I had off from work but what I was doing was setting myself up to be disappointed. Well, by Sunday afternoon, I had realized that I had accomplished very little, if anything, that I had planned for the weekend.
Now, I try to just enjoy my time at home. I really love for my house to be clean, so usually that means spending some time cleaning on Saturday (which doesn't really feel like work, because it feels so rewarding when it's done).
Since I have been getting up early every morning to spend quiet time with God, I have really just looked forward to that time, so much that I get up every morning (yes, even Saturdays and Sundays) at 5:15. The funny thing is that usually I wake up even before the clock goes off! Now, I have never really been an early riser. I just anticipate spending my sweet time with Jesus...just Him and me....while the world still sleeps...while it is still dark outside....oh, but the Light shines inside, though!
Well, this morning, we had a wonderful Sunday school time, an awesome worship experience--the music was so good--"This is Your House"---"Shout to the Lord"---"Spirit of the Living God" and the choir sang "Here I am to worship". Tony (pastor) shared that his daughter was pregnant with twins after struggling with infertility for several years...Praise the Lord! Then he had a powerful message on the church---that it is not an institution, but a kingdom of priests. We are to live the commands, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and strength and your neighbor as yourself." I know that I am guilty of not loving my neighbor as myself. Stepped on my toes!
This afternoon, we were to start Financial Peace, but because we had so many people sign up, we will be starting next week. I am excited, but scared too!
When we got to church, my friend Michelle had locked her keys in her car...with her 21 month old inside. We were all frantically trying to get her doors unlocked. Fortunately, he was happy and not fussing (at least not at first). After about 35 minutes, thanks to a wonderful friend with Triple A, a wrecker service came and unlocked the doors. Whew, that was not fun! Poor fellow just didn't understand.
Tomorrow, Leigh Anne starts cosmetology school. This is something that she has wanted to do since she got out of high school but her daddy and I discouraged it. Now, since she has lost weigh and is more confident, I think she will be very successful at it. At least, she has her bachelor's degree to fall back on if this doesn't work out. I think it will work out though because she thinks this is what God has called her to do. He has given her a gift of artistic flair and style. She is such a beautiful person, inside and out!
In the past, Sundays were always depressing to me, especially Sunday afternoons. Let me explain! On Friday afternoons, I was so ready for the weekend, I was going to accomplish so much in the two days that I had off from work but what I was doing was setting myself up to be disappointed. Well, by Sunday afternoon, I had realized that I had accomplished very little, if anything, that I had planned for the weekend.
Now, I try to just enjoy my time at home. I really love for my house to be clean, so usually that means spending some time cleaning on Saturday (which doesn't really feel like work, because it feels so rewarding when it's done).
Since I have been getting up early every morning to spend quiet time with God, I have really just looked forward to that time, so much that I get up every morning (yes, even Saturdays and Sundays) at 5:15. The funny thing is that usually I wake up even before the clock goes off! Now, I have never really been an early riser. I just anticipate spending my sweet time with Jesus...just Him and me....while the world still sleeps...while it is still dark outside....oh, but the Light shines inside, though!
Well, this morning, we had a wonderful Sunday school time, an awesome worship experience--the music was so good--"This is Your House"---"Shout to the Lord"---"Spirit of the Living God" and the choir sang "Here I am to worship". Tony (pastor) shared that his daughter was pregnant with twins after struggling with infertility for several years...Praise the Lord! Then he had a powerful message on the church---that it is not an institution, but a kingdom of priests. We are to live the commands, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and strength and your neighbor as yourself." I know that I am guilty of not loving my neighbor as myself. Stepped on my toes!
This afternoon, we were to start Financial Peace, but because we had so many people sign up, we will be starting next week. I am excited, but scared too!
When we got to church, my friend Michelle had locked her keys in her car...with her 21 month old inside. We were all frantically trying to get her doors unlocked. Fortunately, he was happy and not fussing (at least not at first). After about 35 minutes, thanks to a wonderful friend with Triple A, a wrecker service came and unlocked the doors. Whew, that was not fun! Poor fellow just didn't understand.
Tomorrow, Leigh Anne starts cosmetology school. This is something that she has wanted to do since she got out of high school but her daddy and I discouraged it. Now, since she has lost weigh and is more confident, I think she will be very successful at it. At least, she has her bachelor's degree to fall back on if this doesn't work out. I think it will work out though because she thinks this is what God has called her to do. He has given her a gift of artistic flair and style. She is such a beautiful person, inside and out!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Where has the time gone? A lot of things have changed since I last posted....the main one being me! I have lost almost 100 pounds now! I still can't believe it myself! I don't have any great pictures, but maybe you can tell from this one.
I have decided to change the focus of this blog from weight loss to my spiritual journey. I have been touched by so many different blogs, that I was inspired to come back and try this again with a new and better focus.
I am currently in the middle of '90 Days with the One and Only' by Beth Moore and I can only say "WOW!" I am falling head over heels in love with Jesus! I am learning so much more about Him. I am so glad that I started it when I was the first of December and it just tied right into the season. I have a totally new outlook of how Mary might have felt. Sometimes, I forget that she was just a young girl who did not know the end of the story. I think that it's easy to say that we believe something when we know what the result will be, but how much more faith does it require when you don't know?
I hope that 2008 will be a time of change for become more like Him.
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